My siblings-May 2010

Memorial Day 2010-Grandma and Grandpa Vandyke's graves

So these pics of our house in Co Springs are not very good, they're pretty blurry, sorry about that. Our camera is having issues but I was being asked to put them up, so here it is.

The kitchen

Princess Tiana and Lizzy at Disneyland

Belle and Lizzy

Ariel with Lizzy and Grace

The fam at Disneyland

The master--It's really not that yellow


Main living room

laundry room-obviously.

Dining room-which we don't use since we have no dining table.

Lizzy's room

Grace's room

Downstairs living room-kids playroom

Not sure how this made it in here, Lizzy took a picture of her dolls, aren't they beauts.

Gracie as a bunny.

Just about every afternoon there are deer hanging out along the side or in back of the house, just chillin in the shade. They're pretty but we keep our distance.
So there is the house, we haven't done much in the way of decorating, but there's quite a bit of room, so peeps can come and visit!