So we did the Halloween thing this weekend in Rotorua, or something somewhat resembling the Halloween thing back in the States. People don't really do Halloween here, at least traditionally. In the past few years it has somewhat caught on with the younger crowd, much to the annoyance of older generations. So we didn't know what to expect going out to trick or treat. We were told people would know what we were doing. And we weren't the only trick-or-treaters out. But we did receive a few blank stares when the door opened. One lady oohed and aahed at the adorable princess, and after a few seconds realized that Lizzie was waiting for something. She looked at us and whispered "Is it money?" So I would say Halloween hasn't quite caught on here. But whatever, it doesn't take much candy to make these kids happy. Overall people were friendly, inspite of being somewhat bewildered by what we were doing. But we did get one old crone who upon opening the door to find two darling children smiling up at her, told us she did not believe in such a holiday. What is there to believe in? It's two adorable children just wanting a friendly smile and a piece of freaking candy...whatever lady. Can you tell I was just a little annoyed by that interchange? But you get those kinds of folks in the states too, I just wish they wouldn't open their doors to spread their misplaced piety.
Anyways, the kids had a good time. They were so very cute.
BTW, people are definitely not concerned about unwrapped candy here like they are in the states. Most everything we got was unwrapped. Lots of gummy worms (individual worms, mind you, taken in handfuls from a bowl). Umm... I might get some flak over that, sorry Mom, I already let them eat it, and they're okay, I promise! =) They would have been really upset if I had tried to take it away!
Oh, my sticking heck! I LOVE that first picture! I'm glad the kids had a great time! Sounds like you need to educate some of the locals about the great American tradition of giving candy away to cute little kids. Though I'd be all over recieving money instead! :D
ReplyDeleteI wondered if you guys would do the Halloween thing over there. I am so glad you did! And I am so shocked that Lizzy wanted to be a princess :)
ReplyDeletePRESH!!!!! (cool people talk for highly precious)