Lizzie's obsession with all things Disney Princess continues, and will now include bedtime stories.
Gracie was most excited by her new baby doll, which she proceeded to feed and snuggle, and paid no attention to the rest of Christmas. Thus, most of the rest of the pictures are of Lizzie.
Lizzie had been asking for weeks for a music box, and we finally found one with a dancing ballerina. Big eyes = excitement.
And the heart necklace inside.
This is what they've played with most since the big day. A big ol' marble maze that keeps them entertained for hours.
And Gracie's other new obsession, the Dora scootie car.
So that was Christmas. It turns out that it's a lot more fun when there are little kids to spoil. Jenny and I got each other a few things, but we had a lot more fun watching the kids' excitement.
I love Lizzie's wide eyed excitement! Too bad she ain't cute!